How Will Bankruptcy Affect Your Ability To Pay For Your (Or Your Child's) College?


If you've recently made the decision to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, you may be wondering what you can do to rebuild your portfolio going forward. These decisions become even more crucial when you're faced with the prospect of taking out parent loans for your child's education -- or plan on going back to school yourself. How will filing for bankruptcy impact your ability to take out educational loans? Read on to learn more about the treatment of bankruptcy by federally-backed and private student lenders.

9 March 2015

What You Need To Know About Filing For Bankruptcy


Filing for bankruptcy is a difficult process. It can be a great way to get a fresh new start, but it is also very hard. Your finances will hurt for the next couple years, not to mention your credit will be non-existent. Thus, if you are thinking about bankruptcy, it is important to educate yourself about the options as much as possible. Here are some things that you need to know about bankruptcy.

5 March 2015