If some unfortunate financial issues have led you to consider filing for bankruptcy, you should understand that your actions prior to filing could impact your ability to have a timely and uneventful chapter 7 filing. If your financial plans include any of the four following transactions, you may need to delay filing for bankruptcy. Read on to learn more about these four things not to do before declaring bankruptcy. 1. Charging Luxury Items
13 January 2016
Bankruptcy is a popular option for debt relief. However, it is not the right choice for everyone. To help you determine whether or not bankruptcy can solve your problems, here are some points to consider: Two Types of Bankruptcy The first thing you need to know about bankruptcy is that there are two main types that you have access to: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7, also known as liquidation, involves the sale of your possessions to pay your debt back, which usually takes less than a year.
13 August 2015
If you are unable to pay your bills, have too much debt or are in danger of loosing your property to foreclosure, bankruptcy may be the right choice. There are several types of bankruptcy, but chapters 7 and 13 are the most commonly known and used by individual filers. Both types of bankruptcy can be beneficial, but they are very different in the way your debt and property is handled. If you are trying to decide which one might be best for you, read on for the main differences in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy.
26 June 2015
If you are considering filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, you must complete two educational programs. One program must be complete before you file, the other must be completed prior to your discharge. Read on for more information about these requirements so that you'll be prepared for filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy. In 2005, President Bush signed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. The BAPCPA sought to, among other things, make consumers more accountable for their actions leading to bankruptcy filing.
24 June 2015
Filing for bankruptcy is a decision that should not be taken lightly. While it will give you a very desirable blank slate for starting over financially, it will leave a huge impact on your credit rating for several years. These are three questions that you may have about filing for bankruptcy. What Debts Are Not Included When Filing For Bankruptcy? Many people are surprised to find out that there are some debts that will never go away when filing for bankruptcy.
29 April 2015
Buying or selling a home is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life. This is where real estate lawyers come in: to guide you through the real estate market ensure you're making a wise investment. Here are the top 5 questions you should be asking when looking for a real estate attorney. 1. What does a real estate attorney do? A real estate attorney is any lawyer who specializes in laws pertaining to real estate.
21 April 2015
If you're experiencing financial problems, this can be a stressful time in your life. It is ideal to consider filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to help get all of your eligible debts discharged. This can give you the peace of mind you need to get through this trying time. However, it is important to be prepared for this process by having the necessary documents in your hands before beginning the process.
3 April 2015
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to get your finances on track, there is always something that comes up and prevents it from happening. If you find that you are drowning in debts that are hard to pay off, you might want to consider filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In this article, find out what you need to know about Chapter 7 bankruptcy and how you should go about the filing process.
27 March 2015
If you have trouble making your monthly payments, you may want to consider debt relief. While the economy has somewhat recovered from troubled times, many people are still feeling the economic effects of the bad economy. But you may not know what type of debt relief you should seek out, because there are so many different types available. While filing for bankruptcy may be a last resort, you can assess your financial situation and determine which type of debt relief is right for you.
24 March 2015
Understanding the different types of personal bankruptcy will help you understand which direction you should take to getting your finances back on track. Types of bankruptcy are dependent on the situation and are usually organized into "Chapters" to better aid the debtor in making decisions. The three most common types of personal bankruptcy are Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 bankruptcy Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a sort of fresh start when it comes to your finances.
20 March 2015